Wednesday 16 November 2011

Problems that have arisen with Jack

This is a list of some of the problems that have arisen over time with Jack.

* He is growing on the 2nd centile for weight and height

* He has some 'dysmorphic' features, broad nose, low set ears. His hair is also exceptionally wirey and grows totally wild. Its such a lovely feature of his though :)

* He has very very little speech as of yet. He can say Daddy clearly and mama and no. He can say yes in a way I think others could tel what he was saying and over the last few weeks has started to attempt a couple of new words.

* He has Von Willebrands disease. Blood clotting issue but we are still going through testing to find out exactly which type this is.

* His walking is getting much better but on a longer stretch can still be quite toddler like with one of his knees seeming to give way. He struggles with steps unless he has hold of your hand.

* He has hyper mobility in his joints, his thumbs are the worst affected and almost look like they are set in the wrong position.

* He has a slight abnormality in his heart, though causing no problems. 2 valves open as one instead of separately. Aortic bicuspid valve.

I think at the moment these are the biggest things we have found. He is yet to be able to use a potty when he has clothes on as he struggles to get his own clothes on and off. If he is naked from the waist down he can manage all day. Its very difficult to know how affected his learning is as with no speech there is no way to know exactly what he does and doesn't know.

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