Sunday 20 November 2011

Jack at nursery

Hi all,

Just thought I would take a moment to tell you a little bit about Jacks nursery and how we came to get him into a resourced one.

Jack was refered to a scheme called portage through our health visitor. They came out to our home and played with him so they could build up a picture of what sort of area he was at with his learning. Before we had been diagnosed with Mosaic Monosomy 21, we had applied for him to go to the mainstream nursery attached to the girls school. We went to have a look round and immediately I knew that I wouldnt be happy with Jack attending there. Its a lovely nursery but very small and there didnt seem to be the support there that I knew Jack would need. Sadly because we didnt yet have the diagnosis this didnt qualify him for a resourced nursery (silly way it works I know!)
I told our portage worker of my worries and concerns about Jack and she mentioned the nursery that he attends now.

Once we had his diagnosis come through and with a clearer picture built up of his needs we were able to go and view the nursery and wait for the educational psychologist to come and see him. The minute we walked through the doors we knew that he would be so happy to attend there. All the children looked happy and there was lot of staff who were all exceptionally friendly. The facilities just blew us away.

When the educational psychologist had been to see Jack and said that she thought he would be better with a place there we were relieved. When the letter came to say that he had been accepted there it truly was a load off our minds.
He was due to start at the beginning of September but we left it for an extra week as we had just welcomed little Bonnie to the family and he had a little bit of a tough time adjusting. We didnt want him to feel like we had replaced him with Bonnie and then shoved him out to nursery.

He has settled so well into nursery life and the progress he has made even in the little time he has been there, has astounded us. We cant even begin to put into words how proud we are of him and how grateful we are to all the staff that work with him. I had begun to feel like he would never learn how to talk and now he is coming out with new words its just a really special feeling. Hes a trooper and never lets himself become frustrated and is learning everyday how to communicate with people around him.

I will definately be sad to say goodbye to the staff at his nursery, even though its a long time off yet!!

This is a pic of Jack on his first day :)

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