Friday 25 November 2011

Blood tests!

So it was blood test day today. I wasnt able to go with him as it was at 9 in the morning and I needed to get the girls to school. His dad took him instead.
They took a load of blood for testing and are confused as to why he didnt bleed once they had finished doing the blood test. They are finding his bloods very confusing as some things dont add up like they think.
I think its going to be another long couple of weeks whilst we wait for the results back from these tests. Just hope that it turns out to be something very simple.
The not knowing is always the most worrying part of all this. I HATE it. The worst things always go through my mind and no matter how hard I try I just cant shake the dread feeling.
He's such a good boy though, he never lets these things get to him and is soooo well behaved whilst they do them.
Fingers crossed that it all just turns out to be the simplest form of Von Willebrands.

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