Saturday 31 March 2012

Reception in September

Good evening all,
Havent written in a while and I really should have so I do apologise for my lack of updates. Its been quite a tough time of late with trying to juggle having Jack, a teenager, the other kids and also fit in my driving as well. Bit of an emotional rollercoaster going on.

Anyway I didn't realise just how difficult it would be to try and find the right place for Jack to go to school in September. There are so many things to consider when you send any of your children to school but when you have a child with additional needs it is even harder. Jack being the complex little man that he is makes it hard to know exactly which side to go for. Do you go for a mainstream place with help for him? Or a resourced place? Or a fully specialised school? Really is a hard choice and there seems to be such a shortage of these places available as well. We have been to see both sides of the fence and we do feel that Jack benefits so much from having the mainstream children around him but also having a smaller group as well. We have seen a school that we can really picture him in. The staff were fantastic with him and he seemed to really take to them as well which of course puts us at ease. It has the added benefit of being close to Jacks Nana as well which means that should there be any sort of emergency he has a family member close by.
We have had an email from the town hall to say they will try to accommodate our request so fingers crossed that we get some good news very soon.

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