Thursday 7 November 2013

Im rubbish!

I am so rubbish at this. A year is far too long to have gone without an update so I will split the updates over a couple of pages to make it easier to read!

OK so I will begin with the rest of the Paton tribe first. Our seventh edition arrived on September the third weighing 8lb 14....another girl! Jack is well and truly outnumbered now but we think its lovely that he has all these females to look out for him in years to come. Our sixth daughter is called Iris Mary Paton and is just a delight like her sisters and brother. Jack absolutely adores her and she gives him the biggest smiles when he talks to her. Really very special to see.

Ive found going from six to seven by far the hardest leap Ive done. I think because we are contending with the dreaded teenage years with the eldest two girls and also the business, it has made it quite a difficult change. I sometimes feel like I'm drowning rather than swimming!

The business is galloping along at lightening speed. It has been such a terrific relief that is has become a success this time. We have worked so hard that I truly believe it is our time for something good. I will include a picture of some of the desserts we do just so you have a clearer view of what we do. We have some really large customers on board now so the only way now is up. I must say though that there is no crueler job whilst you're on a diet!!

I think that's all I can update with for now. Will attach a couple of pictures of our new addition as well.
I really will try my best to keep this updated more often. An early new years resolution.

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