Thursday 16 February 2012

Chat Chat Chatter Chatter

Jacks speech is just coming on in total leaps and bounds! There was a point where I honestly hand on heart, didnt think he would ever learn to talk. He just wouldnt even attempt it.
Its still small baby steps and lots of it is more a sound than a word but the sound is right :) He  repeats the whole alphabet after you now and will pretty much attempt anything that you ask him to say.
We saw his speech therapist who was really impressed with how far he has come since she saw him last time and is going to back off him a little whilst he goes through this spell as we dont want to push him too hard and have him take a step backwards.

At the moment the main thing I have found I have needed whilst raising Jack is PATIENCE. I dont mean this is a sense that I could lose my temper with him or anything but more in a sense that everything that he has learnt so far and will learn in the future takes time. Every baby step that he takes in everything he does is a little miracle really because there is no documentation on this condition, so nobody really knows what to expect in the future.

My favourite thing he has said so far today is 'Hi Baboo' That one never ever gets old :)

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