Saturday 17 December 2011

Christmas preparations

Hello all

Wow the temperature has certainly dropped just lately!
We had some snow yesterday morning and Jack was exceptionally excited by it. He was jumping up and down and shouting wowee. He is just so cute. Christmas MAD! When he says it, it sounds like "mihmah"
He seems to have a big problem with the cold though. He cries and cries when his hands and feet get cold. He walked to drop the girls off at school yesterday morning which is only 5 minutes away, he had a thick pair of socks on and his wellies. Ended up having to carry him all the way back as his feet were so sore. When I looked when we get home they were purple because they were so cold. Definitely something else that we are going to have to ask about when we next see genetics.

The girls all keep changing their minds about what they want for Christmas. The elves have now made their gifts so they aren't allowed to change again. We have managed to get them some really nice things this year so we are really looking forward to Christmas morning. Its the time of year where I most enjoy having such a big family.

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