Friday 5 October 2012

Little about me!

Just a little about where I am up to at the moment.

Im not sure whether I have mentioned before that I want to be a midwife. Is something that I have always been passionate about and so much so now. So many of my friends and family have been through so much in the last year that its made me want to help people even more. From IVF to sadly sleeping angels. I really want to do it. However trying to fit everything in is so hard at the moment.
Im doing a GCSE Maths and an IGCSE human biology from home which is hard as I am the worst person at maths EVER.
Im also doing a health science access course at college and its very full on. I now have 2 assignments on the go one for the sciences part and one for the psychology part. I also have 3 core skills booklets on the go. A maths one, an IT one and a personal development one. On top of all this I have the house and children and Im also still learning to drive. I dont have a lot of spare time at the moment and I know its going to be exceptionally difficult to get onto a midwifery course but i know that if I can get that chance I would really make a great midwife (and I dont big myself up about things normally).

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