Sooo I'm still in the middle of my access course in the hopes of becoming a midwife in the not too distant future. Its difficult at times and I feel a bit swamped with the work, I almost give it up on a regular basis and then I watch a birth programme, read a book or something on line and I think actually I will make a really good midwife. Ive almost qualified as a breastfeeding peer supporter I just need an assessment and a graduation party and we are all done. Very exciting.
Also we have just started up our own business again. We are doing the same thing as last time and baking great cakes and desserts for the trade. Its very stressful but exciting as we know that it will be highly successful this time.
Probably the biggest change in the household of Paton is the fact that number 7 is currently baking! Very big shock for us just after Christmas. We hadn't planned on any other small people but here we are and we are excited. It was obviously meant to be. Jack is convinced it is a baby boy this time. If you ask him he says baby boy and if you say girl he says NO in a rather stern voice. So we will see in August whether he is right.
Onto the dude. He had his DDAVP trial to see whether it would work for him, therefore allowing his consultants to know which medication to give him if he needs surgery for any reason. Its widely available in all hospitals so is actually the best one to use. He was such a brave boy as he always is, let them insert the drip with no fuss at all. He wasn't keen on having his blood pressure taken but he never kicked up a stink or anything. His blood pressure started at 120/80 but sadly the DDAVP dropped it very drastically to 66/58. He will need the heamate P in the situation of an emergency or surgery. It just means that if we go on holiday we will have to carry it with us and he will have to go to the big children's hospital in Manchester should he need it.
Jacks speech is coming on an absolute treat. He is such a funny little character. He never ever fails to put a smile on our faces, everybody that meets him just adores him. He still doesn't let anything get to him. He is still a mini man but his growth is steady, i laughed this morning as his favourite tshirt is a toy story one which his uncle bought for his third birthday. Its a 9-12 month shirt and he still loves it and it fits him perfectly. He will be 5 in June hahaha.
He was in the newspaper at Christmas, after he did his Christmas play. I will put up a picture of the story which I think was lovely. He really is such a special little man, I just cant explain how proud I am of him. His walking can still be a little toddler like at times and we are hoping that his physio can see him soon just to see whether he has improved. He has moved up to 30 month level in some of his school work which is just incredible.