Wednesday, 11 July 2012

The big reunion

Hi all

Well it was the big reunion on Monday of Jack and his K-M. I wasn't sure in the morning how much he understood of where we were going.
I was stood behind him when he saw her for the first time but he ran as fast as he could and sort of scooped her into his arms. It was one of the cutest things Ive ever seen in my life.
They spent the entire day playing together, most of the time on the bouncy castle. I have never seen a bond like it between 2 children of the ages they are and especially given their chromosome abnormalities. K-M has an equally unique abnormality, so this makes them a very special little 'couple'.
Whenever they walk past each other they stroke the others arm or touch their back and they really do seem that they fully understand each other. K-M seems to be able to understand what Jack needs and can speak for him at times. It really is quite an emotional and wonderful thing to sit and watch.

Jack also went to spend an hour at his new school yesterday. He was very shy a first but soon turned the charm on everyone that spoke to him. Each child from the unit is assigned a reception class that they will go to for any lessons or times that they feel they are able to. They told me yesterday that they have assigned Jack to K-M's reception class and her classroom support will be able to offer support to Jack too. They seem to realise that the bond they have is quite extraordinary and they will use it to settle them both into their new school.

I hope you enjoy looking at the pictures as much as I do. :)

Thursday, 5 July 2012


Just a real quickie here to tell you that we have had Jacks EEG now. He was a little star throughout. He had to just sit and relax and watch tv and then she asked him to do different things at intervals. He had to close his eyes whilst she counted to 10 which was hilarious as he had a big smile on his face and was peeping the entire time! Then he had to blow a windmill for a while which again was funny as this child just has no puff for things like that, at one point he looked as if his head would explode. Then the bit I didnt like was when they had to flash lights into his eyes. He thought it was funny though!
Whilst we were there he did appear to have a couple of the vacant episodes so at least if it comes back clear I know that its just a behaviour of Jacks and then if they find something then I'll know its not just me picking at every sign of everything. Its so hard to know when to be worried and when not to be with Jack.

Jack had his birthday as well. he absolutely LOVED it, everything about the whole day. He looked amazed all the time. We took the children out to eat and his little face was so funny when the lights went off and they brought his cake out and sang happy birthday to him. I have a couple of photos to share of the small dude from his birthday. He is so proud of his little England kit. He really does love football!

Another quick line before I go. We are off to have a reunion with his K-M on Monday so I promise to update and blog about that and hopefully get permission from her mum to share a picture of the happy couple.
Until Monday then, thank you for reading :)